we're planning a garden. Our school garden, to be specific. The family garden will come next.
It still feels like winter will never end, but this week seems to be the official start of the growing season. There has been a flurry of e-mails regarding fresh food, composting, recycling, wellness committees...
When I went into the school today I heard teachers were requesting bluebird houses, and wondering what the plans for the garden would be this year. Some are looking to start planning their beds, so it's time to get everything in order.
Planning a school garden is different that a home garden for so many reasons. There are many different classes, some wanting to be more involved than others. There are many different people on our committee, and it takes time and a lot of communication to coordinate everything. And our growing season is pretty short, since school dismisses in June, so we need to plan accordingly. Make sure there is food to be harvested before school lets out, and also plantings done so food and flowers can greet the students in the fall.
Then there is the final planning of the shed the high school is building for us, and the acquiring of rain barrels, and the actual ordering of seeds and starting supplies. And getting the gate built so the deer don't get in again.
And we have the nature trail to be built this spring, which requires planning and research, and then the supervision of the high school students who want to help out, and of course we need to establish our composting program in the cafeteria, and, and, and...
Last week was so simple, this week is simply overwhelming.